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No pole required

There are several ways of rigging the Parasailor. While it is perfectly fine to use the spinnaker pole just like with a regular spinnaker, it is definitely not necessary to do that. The spreading moment of the wing suffices to conveniently use the Parasailor without a pole.
Good from 70° to 180° AWA
Two sails in one! The Parasailor works from 70° to 180° apparent wind angle (AWA), that is, its covers the domains of both symmetric and asymmetric spinnakers taken together.
Works well on autopilot
A match made in heaven: the Parasailor on autopilot. It's great to see how well they go together. The Parasailor, on the one hand, with its great self-trimming characteristics easily copes with the steering of the autopilot. On the other hand, the autopilot does not have to intervene much, as the Parasailor has almost no tendency to roll.
Free training included

You don't have much experience in downwind sailing? Don't worry, your Parasailor dealer will happily help you get started. In fact, a free training session is included in the purchase price.
"I'd recommend the Parasailor to everyone"

"You're not at the sheet and guy the whole time, something that really suits a lazy crew. I often set the Parasailor without the pole and just use it like a normal asymmetric. I'd recommend the Parasailor to anyone thinking about buying a new spinnaker."
Jimmy Cornell, sailing pioneer and author, UK
How the wing works
A tailwind fills the sail and propels the yacht forward (advance). Part of the pressure escapes through the opening in the sail behind which the wing has been fitted in such a way that the air flows past above and below it. Thanks to the shape of the wing and the angle at which the air flows towards it (with the angle optimised for efficiency), the air on the surface of the wing accelerates faster than the air beneath it. Low pressure then forms on the surface which literally sucks the wing upwards and stabilises it (lift).
The wing lift achieves two essentials effects: Firstly the pressure on the bow is minimised. And secondly the propulsion is increased because the wing's optimised angle of efficiency is designed so that the loss of propulsion caused by the opening is completely compensated for.
Highly durable
Each Parasailor is a highly durable product. Already its structure lets it cope with hard gusts much better than regular spinnakers. The horizontal opening is a true safety vent, allowing a sudden and strong increase in air pressure to exit the sail in a controlled manner. Furthermore, the multi-ply and double-stiched clews as well as the webbing and dacron tape reinforced leeches make the Parasailor a tough downwind sail.